Author Archives: owner

SEO Reputation Management: Everything You Need to Know

Enter the name of any company into Google and analyze the results – the so-called search results. Most likely, they will be diverse: the official site, articles, review sites, videos, news, social networks, etc. However, in addition to the type … Continue reading

Posted in Google, Search Engine, SEO, Small business, Social Media | Tagged , , , , , , , |

SEO – Digital Marketing Channel for Promotion Your Website

It can be any search engine: Google, Bing, or even Chinese Baidu. All of them operate on the same principle: after entering a search query, from many sites are shown those that best answer the query in the opinion of … Continue reading

Posted in Search Engine, SEO, Small business | Tagged , , |

What is Benchmarking? Internal Type of Benchmarking

What is Benchmarking? In plain language, benchmarking is the process of comparing a particular firm with competitors in a niche. And in this method comparing everything, beginning from the construction of sites and finishing with the search of those counters … Continue reading

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The Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO and Marketing

Marketers see the greatest benefit in extensions in significant time savings and acceleration of most processes. Knowing the most useful utilities for a specific version of Google Chrome can significantly increase both personal performance and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. … Continue reading

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SEO Promotion for Landing Page

After creating a landing page, you can assume that the first step in promoting a product or service of the company has been made. But it is important to remember that any product or service, even the highest quality, needs … Continue reading

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What Is Location Marketing Or How Not To Lose Customers From The Search

Location marketing is a series of measures to optimize the presence of a business in organic search, on maps, directories, and other sites working with local search. With proper organization, location marketing allows you to get new customers from the … Continue reading

Posted in Google, Search Engine, SEO, Small business |

Top 5 Mistakes in Google AdWords

Invest in contextual advertising, but sales are not growing? In this article, we’ll help you deal with the most common errors with Google AdWords. This information will be useful for both beginners and those who already have experience in contextual … Continue reading

Posted in Google, Search Engine, SEO |

The Importance of Local SEO

Optimization for the local audience allows you to successfully compete with the giant brands in the local area. What do you need to do? What is local SEO? This is a search engine optimization strategy that helps to achieve high … Continue reading

Posted in Google, Search Engine, SEO, Uncategorized |

Happy Thanksgiving from SEO Jacksonville

Wishing to all our customers and friends Happy and Safe  Thanksgiving!

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Web masters’ advice about website linking

Search-Engines have made searching for information convenient and quick. This efficiency is brought to search-engines through rigorously formulated algorithms which are relentlessly and consistently upgraded to eliminate loopholes, if any. However, the impact that search-engines have on online searching has … Continue reading

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