SEO Reputation Management: Everything You Need to Know

Enter the name of any company into Google and analyze the results – the so-called search results. Most likely, they will be diverse: the official site, articles, review sites, videos, news, social networks, etc. However, in addition to the type of resource, the results differ in one more parameter – sentiment. It can be positive, neutral, and negative. To assess the quality of an online reputation, you need to calculate the percentage of content of each sentiment in the top 20, top 40, etc. Moreover, Read More +

SEO – Digital Marketing Channel for Promotion Your Website

It can be any search engine: Google, Bing, or even Chinese Baidu. All of them operate on the same principle: after entering a search query, from many sites are shown those that best answer the query in the opinion of the search engine. Usually, the struggle is for the TOP-10 of the first sites, since the share of transitions to the second page of the search engine is rather modest. The main task during SEO promotion is internal and external optimization. Internal optimization: content, site Read More +

What Is Location Marketing Or How Not To Lose Customers From The Search

Location marketing is a series of measures to optimize the presence of a business in organic search, on maps, directories, and other sites working with local search. With proper organization, location marketing allows you to get new customers from the search, which, perhaps, are now making a purchase from your competitor. What is location marketing? Marketing of any company can be divided into four main areas: brand marketing (technology, processes, service, social mission, etc.); marketing of goods/services (what we sell and why it is something Read More +

Small Business SEO by Local Affordable SEO Company

97% of Americans look for local goods and services online so there is basically no type of business who can’t benefit from having a website and making sure it can be found by the right people. Appearing in organic search results on sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo costs nothing in itself and if you want to appear for locally focused terms it can be relatively little work to make sure you appear top or close to top of results using seo. Seo ( Search Read More +

What Can Benefit Small Business SEO

What the owner of a small business wants is definitely to make sure the business website is visible to the potential clients searching on search engines for product and services a small business offers. Below is a 12 SEO steps which may be helpful to know and to practice. 1. 301 permanent redirects 2. Use Google Webmaster tools, validate and sign up for e-mail forwarding 3. Domain Background Check 4. Fetch as Googlebot, make sure text is indexable 5. Include Analytics 6. Great experience for different stakeholders 7. Define your conversion: most wanted Read More +

Small Business SEO: the Right Way

As a small business finding time to do your SEO internally is one of the biggest barriers you will come across, unfortunately to do it well you need to work at it, this means setting aside time each day, either that or outsourcing it. SEO is partly about trial and error, once you have it setup rather than just leaving it you need to maintain it and as a lantern will go out if you don’t keep turning the wick your SEO rankings will drop and die out if you Read More +