Matt Cutts speaks on Penguin, Panda Updates SEO Affect

According to Matt Cutts the Penguin Penalty isn’t what Google consider a penalty but simply an Algorithm change. All semantics really but Matt Cutts in an interview at SMX (the Search Marketing Expo) certainly didn’t seem to suggest he or Google had any remorse for the Penguin update they unleashed earlier this year. In an interview that will be fascinating to anyone with a passing interest in Search Engine Optimization Matt Cutts also confirms that there are no Penguin Updates yet despite what some think Read More +

A Few Suggestions About How to Recover From Google Penguin Update

If you haven’t been affected by Penguin yet then the best thing is to make sure you won’t be, before its too late. For a lot of people though it is too late and everyday that a penalty remains or the filter affects your ranking you are losing money so you need a quick penguin recovery if possible There are actually two potential issues resulting from Penguin and they need to be dealt with in different ways. One is that the algorithm may simply not favor you Read More +

What is Google’s Penguin Update and How to Deal with it

This article is posted in the SEO Tampa (  blog on 5/08/12. At first the Google Penguin update became known for being an over optimisation penalty, but Google claimed that the update was actually a web-spam algorithm change to remove spam pages. It has now become clear though that it is more than spam, either that or Google have a very different idea of what constitutes spam. The important thing to know is that if you have a site with good quality content you could be affected Read More +